Newt Gingrich on Fox News Channel's Fox and Friends | July 12, 2021

Published on Jul 27, 2021

Part of what’s to come out of this, which is fascinating, is a whole range of African American leaders who have said publicly they are insulted that people like Harris think they are too dumb to be able to get an I.D. And they think they are too dumb to know how to go vote accurately and legally. Remember, this is a period where the city of New York cast 135,000 blank ballots.

You have a system; the Democrats have this model anybody who wants to vote can vote no matter how long they are dead as long as they vote Democrat. They are for totally open elections as long as they can steal them. The average American, including by the way almost all Democrats, about 85% of the country, believe you should have to have a photo I.D. You should be able to identify who you are. You know, most Americans are for everybody who is legal voting. They are for everybody who is legal being counted. But they also understand that machines steal, and the machines are desperate to find a few extra votes even if they are people who haven't been around for the last 50 years. So, I think this is a dead loser for the Democrats. I think they are trapped into it I have noticed a lot of other Democrats other than the president and vice president have been getting away from the issue. You have a number of Democrats now saying oh, I have always been in favor of being able to identify who the voters are, and I think the -- if they want to go down this road as you said, I mean, Harris I don't know quite how to say this right. Harris looks like a fool more than a vice president about half the time and I can't wait for her comments on Cuba if she knows where the island even is. So, I mean, the fact that she runs around -- by the way, you know, and I know, she hasn't been in an office supply store in her life. She has staff. So, she wouldn't have any idea where office supply stores are. And I would love to know the last time she xeroxed something personally. Or if she even know what a Xerox machine is.


Look, maybe I think it would be very hard to get the parliamentarian to say that changing the voting rights act is somehow fits the bird rule of being spending. But there is a deeper thing. You are up for re-election in Arizona. You know that in Arizona by almost 9 to 1 people favor being able to identify who the voter is. 9 to 1. Now, if you are the democratic senator from Arizona and you are going to try to run for reelection, you want to vote against 9 out of every 10 Arizonans? This is one of those moments where they are trapped by their left. They are doing something the country hates. And it's going to come back and bite them in a big wait a minute.


First of all, they want their freedom. Second, this last month has been so bad in terms of medicine, food, jobs, that I think finally they are just the morale of this entire culture is breaking down. The United States should be actively in favor of freedom for Cuba. We should do everything we can to help the Cuban people overthrow what is a dictatorship. This is not a duly elected government. This is a dictatorship dating back to 1960. It is not only the enemy of the United States, it’s the enemy of the Cuban people. I would hope -- I doubt Biden would do it, but I would hope that the United States would actively go out and work on trying to encourage help, provide information, provide food and medicine and a lot of things we could do to help the people who are opposed to the dictatorship


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