About Page

About Page

PatriotTube.TV is a video sharing website which promotes American freedoms and thrives on videos that support the US Constitution and the American Dream. We promote freedom of speech with non-violence, human equality and America first videos and blogs.

Anyone is free to browse through our site and use the services we offer as long as they respect our Terms and Conditions. If you wish to become a member, you can easily and quickly create a free account and start posting videos, create your own channel, start a blog, or take advantage of any of the other services we offer.

PatriotTube.TV is devoted to the American people and cater to the beliefs that all men and women are created equal and we must all respect the Constitution of the United States as drawn up by our framers in 1776. Obviously there have been many changes to the Constitution over the last 2 centuries with amendments that were added to fit our ever changing society, but the basis of our country’s foundation is still much the same.

Please check out our Terms of Use page for more details about our site.