BIDENS LIES ON TAXES: Grover Norquist On Biden’s $3.5T Spending Bill; New Taxes; IRS Overreach

Published on Sep 17, 2021
Dana (@DLoesch) talks with the President of Americans for Tax Reform ( Grover Norquist (@GroverNorquist) on the PORK in this HUGE $3.5T spending bill. Among all of the other pork, there's a billion dollars for newspapers (who will ultimately CHEERLEAD for this atrocious bill), and MORE taxpayer money going to Democrat friends, than what would go to actually help the American people. They plan to raise the corporate tax, capital gains tax - to levels higher than anywhere in the world - which ultimately leaves the US less competitive on a global scale. Not only that, but worker’s wages will be lower, while prices for goods and services will rise. Also, as we’ve seen in the past, companies will flee the US again in order to be more competitive.

Biden during his ‘campaign’ REPEATEDLY promised he would not raise taxes on those making less than $400,000/yr - we know now that was a complete LIE.

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